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About us

We are a team of professionals who are passionate about connecting businesses and fostering strong relationships between them. Our platform offers a unique space for businesses to showcase their products and services, and connect with other like-minded companies.

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We are Shout Connect

a business that has been creating connections and building relationships since our inception in 2008. Over the years, we have grown and evolved to become a leading player in the industry, helping individuals and organizations to connect and collaborate more effectively.

Our timeline

showcases the major milestones and achievements that we have accomplished since our creation. Starting with our humble beginnings in 2008, we have expanded our reach and established a strong presence in the market. We have continuously innovated and adapted to changes in the industry, while staying true to our core values and mission.

And our story

is a testament to our commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Join us on this journey and discover how we can help you achieve your networking goals. Back in 2008, the vision of Directors Ian and Maria Coupe was to create a business community through regular networking events across Lancashire. Shout Network was born.

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Within a decade, Shout Network had surpassed all expectations with networking groups in full swing across Central and East Lancashire, Merseyside and Greater Manchester.

Meanwhile, Shout Expo, the sister company of Shout Network , was launched. Like most sisters, Shout Expo wanted to create a significant amount of noise! It succeeded. The Shout Expo brand is now well known for delivering large, vibrant, annual business exhibitions that attract hundreds of exhibitors and delegates at each event from across the North West.

Shout Futures soon followed to host career events and exhibitions that provide businesses with a platform to connect with apprentices and job seekers. Twice hosts of the South Ribble Recruitment Roadshow and co-organiser of the NHS Apprenticeship Awards, Shout Futures is committed to facilitating unique and memorable recruitment and apprenticeship events.

By 2022 it was raining businesses, networkers, exhibitors, delegates and apprentices, and the Shout Network and Shout Expo teams had grown significantly.

We needed our umbrella!


The Shout Connect brand was launched. But this wasn't any ordinary umbrella. With a 'go big or go home' approach, Shout Connect became the company's HQ with the expansion of its offices on Preston's docklands.

The 8000 sq ft site hosts a 70 seater co-working space, conference and meeting facilities, American diner, media suite and expo room, all with the benefit of free parking.

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Where are
we now?

Shout Connect is now a thriving business hub, networking provider, exhibition specialist and careers platform.

Across all Shout Connect companies we have an impressive membership base and fantastic partners who inspire us every day to deliver unrivaled business services across the North West region.

Things don't stand still for long at Shout Connect! Check back with us soon to find out what other (crazy) ideas are coming to fruition at Shout Connect HQ and how you can get involved.